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A scientific view by an expert cancer researcher and advisor to the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO/IARC) has classified radio frequency (RF) radiation from any source – such as the signals emitted by cell phones, other wireless and cordless and sensor devices, and wireless networks – fully meets criteria to be classified as a “Group 1 carcinogenic to humans” agent.
The declaration is based on scientific evidence associating RF exposure to cancer development and cancer promotion, according to the report posted by SBWIRE.
“The evidence indicating wireless is carcinogenic has increased and can no longer be ignored,” stated Dr. Anthony B. Miller at a July 31, 2017 lecture in Jackson Hole, Wyoming sponsored by the Environmental Health Trust where international experts presented the best available science on cell phone and wireless radiation.
In 2011, WHO/IARC classified RF radiation from any source as a “Group 2B possibly carcinogenic to human” agent. Miller believes the evidence published since 2011 fulfills the requirements to re-classify RF radiation as a “Group 1 carcinogenic to humans” agent.
Read more: The Guardian